This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Craig 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #21491 Score: 1

    2 pts

    I’m not sure who rides motorcycles as well as driving, but the NSW 1 motorcycle plate has got me wondering why Queensland don’t allow Q Plates on bikes.

    If nothing else, releasing a brand new sequence of plates would generate a great revenue stream, and I think a lot of current Q Plate owners might jump straight in and buy the motorcycle version to complete the collection. I know I definitely would.

    Perhaps PPQ (via of course) could arrange an auction for the first 10…or 100 plates.

    Thoughts anyone?


    #21501 Score: 1

    Craig Jeffriess
    2 pts

    While Q plates for cars ceased to be issued in 1955, existing ones at the time could still be used til the car died. Of course some still stayed alive. In modern times it became possible to transfer to another car by paying a fee to MRD, and from that time a pair of new Q plates had to be used ( in QLD back in the day only one plate was required and it went on the rear).

    But for motorcycles it was different. The Q motorcycle plates not only ceased to be issued, they were recalled, and the new stamped steel plates were issued. That is why none exist, only in collections and museums.

    #21517 Score: 0

    2 pts

    All the more reason to offer them as a completely ‘new’ product. I’d be lining up for a few of them 🙂

    #21533 Score: 0
    2 pts

    I agree, bring in the motorcycle QPlate. QPlates sure need something to kickstart their value after PPQ flooded the market causing prices to stall.



    #21556 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Steven, I think unfortunately PPQ only care about revenue and don’t give a second thought to the value of privately owned Q plates, so the only upside to that is that they should be happy to create a new Q plate series for motorcycles.  It feels to me that PPQs actions mean there are three distinct Q plate categories.

    1. Original Q plates still attached to their original car.  Super cool history, but these are generally 6 digit plates.

    2. Plates sold at the Great Plate Auction In 1985.  Rare and desirable numbers, limited volume, quality plate construction.

    3. Any of the remaining hundreds of thousands of Q plate options available to buy for $3000-$5000 via PPQ. Plentiful, poor plate construction and easily identifiable as ‘built to a price’ compared to option 2.

    #21576 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I emailed PPQ regarding Q Plates for motorcycles.  On one hand, the suggestion has been “filed”, but it was interesting to see the reply stated that there isn’t the ability to have the same plate sequence for a car and motorcycle.  Obviously NSW don’t have the same rule, as evidenced by the recent sale of the NSW 1 motorcycle plate.  Here’s my email and the reply.

    My email:
    I currently own a few personalised plates and a Q plate from the 1985 plate auction. I would dearly love to have a matching Q plate for my motorcycle. With the recent high profile sale of the NSW 1 motorcycle plate, I’m wondering if there is any consideration be given to motorcycle Q plates being made available as per the car Q plates on your website? Perhaps Q1 to Q100 in the motorcycle range could be auctioned to further boost the profile of Q plates and to introduce a premium product to a new market.
    Thanks for your time,

    Their reply:
    Hi Craig,

    Thanks for your inquiry and for your suggestion.

    We’re always looking for new plate ideas so will be happy to keep your expression of interest on file for future reference. Furthermore, all Q plate combinations with Q followed by 1-3 numbers have been sold so we will be unable to supply this range for motorcycles.

    Please feel free to contact us if you have any future plate ideas!

    PPQ Team.



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