This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by ClydeLin 6 years, 6 months ago.
Hi all,
Are you aware that when you transfer a NSW heritage plate into your name you are eligible for a free mini heritage plate?
They are exact replicas of the plate you are transferring and are made by the same manufacturer as the real plates. They make a great desktop talking piece and are a nice keepsake if you ever sell your plate.
Not sure why the RMS don’t publicise it better or don’t just give them to us by default. We pay enough in stamp duty!
Anyway, even if you purchased a plate and transferred it into your name a long time ago you are still eligible. Just visit Service NSW with your ID and rego papers and ask for them to order one for you. Did I mention they are free?!
You’re welcome 😉
Hey Steven
That is very interesting to read. I’m surprised to hear that RMS give anything away for free and not surprised they don’t advertise.
I stumbled on your refreshed site tonight and look forward to chatting with fellow back seat drivers who while away the journey, looking for great plates out there. I’m currently contemplating my own Harry combo plate for my car and will keep you posted when I finally lock something in. No licence currently, so no hurry.
Good luck
Hey Steven, you can thank me for that! Back in 1983 when the then DMT started auctioning numeric plate fallen into disuse, one of their sales pitch statements was “two for the car, one for the bar”. This of course referred to 2 full sized plates to use on your car and the miniature souvenir to hang in your bar. They continued to release plates by auction, and also by tender, until 1991, but then inexplicably stopped. Then over time they simply forgot about it, forgetting about the people still buying & selling getting their mini. The people within the RTA at the time move on, change roles, etc, and they dropped the ball.
Then in 2000 I hot my 3 digit. I knew about the minis, and I wanted mine! I fought them. They wanted me to produce proof they did it! Which I did as I had original DMT documentation from the auctions, all saying they did it. Then they wanted proof I paid my transfer fee! No problem, here’s my receipt for $1300. They then made me one! And re-introduced the service. But get this, they started charging people $90 if they wanted one from just an enquiry!
Anyway, glad to see they are still doing it, and for free. So they should!
Interesting history Craig and thanks for keeping them honest! Well done.
thanks Steven.. it’s good to know… I was just wondering how come I got mini plate for the first one and second one didn’t come with mini plate!
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